TOP 3 Innovation awarded Noah House!

A professional jury voted Noah House the 3rd most remarkable Hungarian Innovation in 2018!

At the 2018 ‘Top 10 Hungarian Most Remarkable Innovations Gala’, Noah House received a huge acknowledgement as well as Ákos Blaskovich inventor, CEO.

Noah House proves itself again!

The environmental- and eco-friendly, renewable energy utilising, self-sustaining and utility bills free house is no longer a dream but achievable reality.

 It’s legitimacy is stronger and more timely than ever, as the professional jury confirmed it to be an inventional and developmental success. 

 We are thankful for the recognition and trust of our customers and supporters.



Noah House Project in the ‘100 Most remarkable Hungarian innovations’ publication!

Another recognition and success in the history of Noah House!

The Noah House Project takes first place in the ‘100 most interesting Hungarian innovations’ publication. 

It is an honour and confirmation for the Noah Project to be amongst these other illustrious innovations and developments.

We appreciate the extensive interest, and value the professional and futuristic acknowledgement in protection of our planet, and liveable future, which is our number one goal.

The Noah House is our key to the future, one achievable device towards our grandchildren’s and humanity’s survival.